Monday, June 22, 2009

Visiting Oregon

In May Aiden & I were lucky to go on a trip to Oregon. We were gone for 11 days, and spent 5 days with our good friends Mandy & Jerry who moved there recently; and also visited my grandparents.

At the chinese garden with Mandy!

Mandy & Aiden by the male statue (i think)!

Mom & Aiden by the female statue!

Hanging out at the Portland Farmer's Market!!


Playing with Mandy at the park!!!

Halfway through the trip we went to the Hagelstein's house. My parents joined us there also! It was fun to hang out with friends and family!

The Scenic View off the highway.

Aiden loved riding the Carousel at Seaside!!!

Aiden's first time at the Pacific Ocean.

He LOVED playing in the sand!
Just kept bending over and playing in it!

Eating at Moe's

By the Pacific!

Playing in Downtown a fountain! It was great for such a hot day!

The coast Day #2....he wouldn't look up after realizing sand was there.

Aiden's first steps in the Pacific Ocean. If I let go of his hand he would have run right into the ocean! He LOVED it!

Cuddling with great grandma!!

Hanging out in the garden.

Papa & Aiden!

5 generations!!

Cuddling 1 last time before going home!

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Playground

We recently got a new playground for our backyard, and we got a sweet deal on it! There is the playground climber that we have in our mom & me class, which Aiden loves. I thought that I would look around for it on Craig's List. Well low & behold the playground appears and we got it for the sweet deal of $100 (normal $550 new). Here is the cousins & Aiden playing with the new playground on Mother's Day.

Daddy also built Aiden a Sand Box...which Aiden would be content to play in there all day! He loves playing in the sand!

Hanging out by the bonfire on Mother's Day.

Aiden in his Sandbox!

What's been happening around here?!?

Ok I know it's been OVER A MONTH since my last here is what we have been doing lately!

Getting Ready for Church Easter Sunday!

Aiden found his Easter basket!

He got a Jaguar, an Easter Book, Bubbles, & Playdough in his Easter Basket. He was very excited about his car!

Bubbles Bubbles

Daddy & Aiden during a diaper change!

Yes I have been crazy about is my Easter Basket cake that I made (I even found edible easter grass)!

Brian & Sarah & family!

Mother's Day at our house!

Andy working the grill!

Grandma, Aiden, & Mom

We recently remodled our bathroom. Here is Aiden helping Andy with the project!

Andy is showing Aiden how to work his tools!

Aiden is very mobile is his 15 month picture!

We went to the MN Zoo on May 19...Here is Aiden by the cows.

We let Aiden down for 15 seconds and he is running away from us....

....but Andy caught up to him very fast!

Aiden especially enjoyed the goats!

He even feed a goat, and giggled the WHOLE time!

Aiden got to eat a brownie for his baptism birthday on May 18!!!