Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Here are some of out pictures from our photo session for December! Family Picture

9 months old

Aiden with Santa...he did a good job. He was just a little pouty at the beginning, and wouldn't smile.

Macy's Display

On December 12th, Grammie & Papa took the day off of work to hang out with Aiden & me. We decided to go to the Macy's Display of Elves. It was very exciting!

Here we are waiting to get in to the display!!

Grammie reading the program to Aiden!

By the Tree's!

Looking around!

"What can you see Aiden?"

Aiden stretching his legs at the end!!
Aiden did a great job at Macy's. We were going to see Santa, but that involved waiting in ANOTHER long line. Thanks for the fun day Grammie & Papa!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Nine Months Old

We went in for Aiden's 9 month well child check on Tuesday and here are his 9 month stats:

25 lbs.-----97% for Weight

30 inches long----97% for Height

Aiden is doing great! He is a very happy boy and is enjoying life. He is crawling (or army crawling) all around our house, but prefers to walk holding hands. He is very content to sit and play with his toys. He sleeps 11-12 hours at night and usually 2 1/2 -3 hours during the day!! Such an easy, happy baby...we are truly blessed. Here are some pics to enjoy!

"Here mom, I"ll help you!"

"I like this-a-one, I like that-a-one!"

"Can I play with you Taz??? Here is a bone...I'll help you!"

"Hmm, this tree looks pretty cool!!!"

"I love rolling over & crawling away when you try to change me!"

"...and when he laughed his tummy moved like a bowl full of Jelly..."

We are having a blast with Aiden right now doing all the fun Christmas things, and watching him develop!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Cousin

Aiden's newest cousin was born exactly 8 months after him. Here is a picture of 8 months difference. 23lbs or more vs. 8 lbs.
Happy Birthday Baby Cousin!


Aiden had an AWESOME first Thanksgiving....

He started out the day watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade......
and no we did not just set him in front of the TV, he was actually playing with his toys as we watched the parade!!!

Aiden's new move...he tilts his head to the side and goes "So Cute!"

Trying Turkey for the First Time

Maybe that piece is too big (hahah)
Aiden with Grammie!!! He's Grandma's Little Gobbler

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!