Sunday, February 7, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Up until now, we haven't put Aiden in swimming lessons. Aiden & I would just go to the pool weekly (or every other week in the cold winter) and I would try my best to get him water happy! Well we decided that Aiden & Daddy would do swimming lessons together. Aiden's good friend Sawyer go to swimming lessons at Como School with a special heated swimming pool, so we thought why not. It would be great for Daddy & Aiden to have that special time together and also great for Mom to have that time to herself EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT!!!!
I decided to go to class with them the first week and snap some pictures. Aiden & Daddy swimming!
Daddy is singing The Wheels on the Bus, and making Aiden go around and around!

Aiden and his buddy Sawyer getting ready for a BIG JUMP in the pool. Aiden's friend Sawyer has been to lessons before and takes a nice BIG JUMP in the water. Aiden on the other hand has been swimming with Mom, so maybe I was lacking in this area because here is his progression to jump...

Aiden sure enjoyed his swimming lessons, and is excited to go again this week! Thank you Gaga and Papa for the lessons!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Hello all!! After taking a 5 month break from blogging I decided to re-enter the blogging world. (I actually found out that people are actually checking the blog to see what we are doing, so I thought maybe I should start up again). Here are a few highlights from our Christmas Holiday! Aiden had a blast this Christmas and understood the reason for the season. There was a lot of talk about Baby Jesus at our house and Aiden really was excited singing Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus. Aiden was also very excited about Santa. He actually sat on Santa's lap 3 times. He even told a man sitting at a table near us at a resturant that he thought he was Santa. It was a blast this Christmas!!
Here is the family at Christmas this year!

Aiden got a rocking chair for Christmas!

This is Aiden's awesome suitcase for going to Grandma's (or gaga's as he likes to call her)!


Aiden is a proud daddy to a new baby doll. He is so excited about this baby doll!

"Yee Haw" Aiden got a spring horse for Christmas and had a blast riding it!

Looking in his stocking from Santa!

Christmas Morning...Santa came!

Making sure everything is ready for Santa....
milk, cookies, stockings....Aiden is ready!
As I have said....We had a blast this holiday and here a few samplings of what we have done!
Please check back to see the updates that I will post!!!
Coming Soon....Florida Vacation!